Monday, February 27, 2012

What do you want to know?

I'd meant the previous post to segue into a discussion of the things I'm looking to find out but I got lost in the middle, in part I'll blame The Help for being really engrossing, but mostly I'm just easily distractable.  So here now, is the list of things I'd like to know.  As I answer some of these things, I'll link them through to the relevant blog posts.
  • Which words appear most/least in all puzzles?
  • Which words appear proportionally more often than in common usage?
  • Which words have the most/least variety of clues?
  • Which clues have the most answers?
  • Are any common words biased towards horizontal/vertical?
  • How full is the 3-4 letter distribution space? How does that distribution compare to the 3-4 letter Google 1-grams?
  • What does the distribution of other groups of things look like? (e.g. greek letters, signs of the zodiac, days of the week, countries of the world)
  • Which words appear most often in the same position?
  • Which words appear in the largest variety of positions?
  • Which letter/word is most often in the corners?
  • Which letter most often starts/ends a word?
  • How does start/end letter distribution differ from the dictionary/common usage?
  • How does consonant/vowel ratio differ from dictionary/common usage?
  • What grid shape is most common?
  • Which letter is most common at each position in the mode grid size?
  • Can I identify enough place names that it becomes interesting to draw them on a map?

I find each of these interesting in and of itself, but I also think it'll be interesting to make comparisons between publishers, days of the week, over time, or any other cross tab I feel like at the time.

As always, I reserve the right to modify this last, hopefully my loyal readers have more suggestions?

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